Chewy bread

Since Doctors Orders to change my diet, in the hope to lower my blood pressure and cholesterol I had to get rid of the white bread.  I studied quite a few loaves on the bread aisle in Whole Foods and ended up with Dave’s.  It’s a little pricey at $4.99, but so are all the other healthy choices.   I lightly toast it in the morning, if it gets dark it dries up a bit.  I put honey butter spread on it.  The multi seeds in it make it chewy and it is really tasty.

Since I bought it at Whole Foods I did notice it in other supermarket chains, but it was still the same price.  For more information and other products Click here



One thought

  1. When we lived in the US, I struggled to buy bread without sugar in it! Ended up buying a breadmaker – best gadget I ever bought!! Load ingredients before bed, set the timer, and wake to a fresh loaf… yummm <3

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