Lady Liberty Guiding The Way

It was a cold day in February when the SS Madonna arrived at New York Harbor from the Port of Naples, Sicily.

Madonna Ship
Sailed from Naples Sicily February 1909

The near month-long journey was coming to an end. Angelina gathered her two daughters and ventured out of the third class to the deck when she heard cheering.
Vittoria, then six years, was lifted to set her eyes on the Statue of Liberty.  Others looked on in bewilderment; the symbol of America was before them. With the torch pointing to the Heavens, they felt welcomed to their new land.

The Fourth of July is the most celebrated American holiday.  May God continue to bless America and show us the way through troubled waters.

My Grandma sure loved this country, and never forgot

the Lady on the pedestal liberty

at the gateway of the new world.





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