A Landmark For Mariners

Hilton Head Island South Carolina

Hello friends, looks like we made it through another week of being sheltered at home. With folks like Restless Jo motivating me to get out and walk, before this is all over I believe I will know ever inch of this beautiful island.

Hilton Head Historical Marker
Historical Society marker at the ruins of a bunker of a steam cannon

On the top of my “to do” list when we are off quarantine will be a shopping trip for a new pair of sneakers.

This week I had a long way to go to find this historic gem.  I had to walk the beach route because the only other access is through a private community and they won’t let you through the gate.

This is the ruins of a steam cannon that was used in 1901.  Is is on the beach of the Port Royal Sound on the north end of Hilton Head Island South Carolina.

Steam Cannon aimed toward Port Royal Sound
Steam cannon looking out toward Port Royal Sound

Port Royal plantation has 1 mile of beautiful beaches where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Port Royal Sound.

Thanks for visiting, I hope you all enjoy the sites of Coastal Georgia and South Carolina.

Have a happy day 🙂


To keep walking visit:

Jo’s Monday Walk