Something To Talk About

Ellen M. Langford Square-Ridgeland South Carolina

A small town mural of a garden area with a gazebo that has faded through time.  But if we take a step back they’re is more to the story of this small square in a coastal South Carolina community.

Ridge land South Carolina mural
Tiffany Arteaga Mural in Ridgeland South Carolina

Artist Signature:

Artist signature on mural
Artist Signature on mural in Ridgeland South Carolina

Now lets step back for a look at the Ellen M. Langford Square

Ellen m. Langford Square
Ellen M. Langford Square

Check out the fountain

Movie fountain
This fountain was used at the Davant Plantation in the movie “Something to talk about”

Here is the information marker

Movie Fountain
Information marker for fountain used in popular Julia Roberts movie

Ellen M. Langford was born in Ridgeland South Carolina and a local business owner for over 31 years and a member of the town council for 28 years.  The town dedicated this city park in gratitude of her service to the community.

Have a great week friends 🙂 and thanks for stopping by


Monday Murals

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