Prayer Garden

Holy Family Catholic Church-Hilton Head Island South Carolina

Things are so hectic here with the unknown hanging over our heads.  Grocery stores have empty shelves, first row parking easily available at the shopping mall, and anxious folks sanitizing gas pumps . Thank goodness for the walking weather.

The Church yard and garden was quiet on Monday and seemed to be a good choice for social distancing.  The flowers are in full bloom adding fragrance to the air that gave  me a few sniffles.

Holy Family Catholic Church Hilton Head Island
The church was built in 1988 to accommodate the growth of the parish

Along the garden is the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in these trying times it was a peaceful place to pray and settle for a moment.

Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe shrine Hilton Head Island

I continued on to the boardwalk of the Stations of the Cross

then to Hamilton Park…..

Ending with a message to the faithful

Praying the rosary
Praying the rosary

All of this is surrounded by the natural beauty of the Lowcountry of South Carolina

Thanks for joining me 🙂



Jo’s Monday Walk

3 thoughts

  1. Oh how beautiful! And what a wonderful place to find peace in this uncertain time we find ourselves in. I wish God’s blessings for you! 😊🙏🏻

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