The Soft Drink Of The Old West

Julian California-The Miners Diner-

One hour east of San Diego in the beautiful Cuyumaca Mountains is the historic town of Julian

Directional sign in the town of Julia

Visitors may find themselves visiting a mining museum,exploring a mine runner or old cemetery, browsing the mountain scenery, shopping in historic buildings, eating famous apple pie or visiting an old fashioned soda fountain.

The Miners Diner in the center of town offers hand mixed milkshakes and malts, ice cream, burgers, fries and an all around classic menu.

The soda fountain also offers a hand mixed Sarsaparilla.  This soft drink from the 1800’s was popular in the “Old West”.  At the Miners diner it is made with rootbeer, wintergreen, and sassafras oil.  It looks like a dark  like “rooter”.  Native Americans also used it to treat the common cold.

Hand mixed sarsaparilla soft drink and Old West favorite

So if you’re a pioneer of nostalgia, you will find it here in Julian, and maybe you’ll be lucky enough to strike some gold of your own. 🙂

Happy trails and thanks for visiting












Word of the day/dark


2 thoughts

  1. This was new to me. I am very interested in Old West. I have read much about it and I have published a post presenting Native Indian Life. If you are interested in it, so here it is:

    Native Indian life

    Thank you again for this quality post.

  2. Hopefully, you will find my comment which I left recently. It included a link to my old post also telling about Wild West. Matti.

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