Happy Times Eating Happy Meals

McDonalds Restaurants

In the 1960s my Dad worked Monday through Friday, as most folks did.  Sunday was church first then family dinner, usually at my Grandparents.  That left Saturday open for recreation and dinner at McDonald’s.  Our family craved the 15 cent hamburger, delicious fries, and a coke. The final treat to it all was eating in the back seat of the car with my sisters and my parents in the front.  Back then it was walk up window service only but winter or summer we were there.

Growing up in Buffalo, New York where there are many locally owned restaurants this is the most notable chain restaurant I can remember from those times.  These days, when I’m feeling a little down a Big Mac or a McRib works just great to lift the spirit.  While traveling overseas, and I get homesick, one large fries turns that feeling right around.

Yes, McDonald’s is mine kind of place, it’s such a happy place 🙂

This post is not to express any political views, just thought you all may enjoy this






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