Smokey’s High Fire Danger Alert

With temperatures soaring, many areas are facing drought conditions. So it’s a good idea to stay in caution mode for a small clean-up job of burning a debris pile or lighting a campfire.

The National Fire Danger Rating Systems has five levels rated from low to extreme.

When the fire danger is “high”, fires can start easily from most causes and small fuels (such as grasses and needles) will ignite readily.  Unattended campfires and brush fires are likely to escape.  Fires will spread easily, with some areas of high-intensity burning on slopes or concentrated fuels.  Fires can become serious and difficult to control unless they are put out while they are still small.”

Knowledge of the levels can help a person decide if a burn should be postponed.

Click here to read more from the UD Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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2 thoughts

  1. We over on the west side of the nation are at such high risk of fires this year. I heard just this morning how bad it is, especially with the drought and extreme heat parts of the areas have experienced this week. May we all stay fire safe 🙏

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