The Stand-Off

Jarvis Park Lake-Hilton Head Island South Carolina

Encountering wild life is always exciting to me and sometimes a bit surprising. Yesterday morning I grabbed my camera and a zoom lens to take on my daily walk. Knowing that the critters tend to be more visible on weekdays when they are less people around.

As I had my eye on this beautiful bird, I noticed this small alligator swimming along side the trail.

Water bird in South Carolina
American alligator at Jarvis Park on Hilton Head Island

I realized that he had his eye on the same bird and was moving toward it. As he got closer he went under the water only eyes and head visible.

Small alligator popping his head out of the water

I stood by to watch what would happen next. The bird’s instinct must have sensed the danger and they both stayed still and stared at each other.

water bird and alligator sharing the lake

After a few minutes the alligator made the first move and turned to the right and swam away.

Alligator passing a water bird in the lake

Birds are a food source for alligators, but today was not the day for this bird. At this point, he must have been thinking, thank goodness that warty thing turned away.

Thanks for dropping in and have a happy day 🙂


Word of the day/warty

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