Silent Day


My third day here in Germany is the Holiday, All Saints day and is considered a silent day.  When my daughter mentioned everything was closed and the “little bears” are off school,  I thought about my Catholic school days and having November 1st off.  The description of “Silent Day” was unfamiliar to me.

I got off to a very late start since I slept until 1PM.  I am obviously still adjusting to the time.  I asked my daughter if she was going to let me sleep all day and she said “yes, you needed it”.

After breakfast/lunch my Grandaughter and I took a walk to the church.  Folks were in and out of the prayer chapel.  We spent a bit of time there as well reflecting on the meaning of the day.   I also  gave my thanks for having this time with my family.


We then walked through the town, the sweater weather is mild. The forecast remains the same thoughout the weekend, and we’re planning a weekend “getaway”.  Happy to spend time doing the simple things, it is very good for the heart, mind and soul.

Warm wishes


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