Heaven help us


My parents had a house rule when I was growing up that was quite simple, if we did not go to church on Sunday morning we spent the day inside.  From that kind of upbringing I have become a fairly spiritual person.

I pray everyday and for the most part I keep a good “mind file” sorted by the urgency of one’s situation of who gets on my daily list.

My heart prays sincerely with compassion for those in need.
So, now that I am a social media junkie I started sorting the requests into two categories, to keep the list within reason. I call them prayers and good vibes. Separating them gives me a courteous response to avoid  offending anyone and it also  reduces my anxiety of being the one to jam the Holy airwaves.

A few that have been sent to the “good vibes” file include prayers requested by:

The Mom who wanted a miraculous cure for her sick child one morning so she could make her 10 am hair appointment
A friend trying to get to a higher level in Candy Crush
A friends daughter finding the perfect prom dress
A shopper who wanted a shorter check out line
Someone looking for a good Mall parking space
A neighbor asking for a new detached garage
and many other things that are within our own control and part of day to day life.
For all those trivial requests I am grateful that God was on the minds of these good souls.

Peace and happiness friends